And let there be light!

Recently, I have seen a post on the internet where the writer has condemned the fact that some people are romanticizing the dark time that we are going through. According to him, this pandemic is an eye opener for us all who are now trying to look “cool” by talking about being able to spend time with their family or watching TV series etc. I agree with his view of our weak healthcare facilities and the corrupt government. It is true that this pandemic exposed the reality of the political, social and economic structure of India.

But even after such strong statements of his, I still don’t find it totally offensive of people who are trying to stay happy and positive is such dark times. Yes, perhaps they could not spend time with their families or watch series before the pandemic, but we can’t really conclude that they did it purposefully. The chances are high that they were busy in their career or work life. This is highly probabilistic given the highly competitive society that we live in. I have no issues with agreeing that this pandemic might be an eye-opener and we need to identify our faults during this time. But I also don’t find any harm with people trying to be a little optimistic and people who are trying to find joy in rediscovering themselves. It is not at all true that all those who are talking about the way they are spending time by reading books or with their family and how they couldn’t do it before, are romanticizing these pathogenic days. It is not that they not acknowledging the toughness of the times that we are living it. They are just being hopeful and trying to be positive. It is good that people have hope and positivity around else the world would crumble very easily. Negative thoughts are very easy to generate but the positive ones, let us not drive them away when we need them the most.


  1. Ah! This post is no less than a breath of fresh air into a gloomy, enclosed room :)

  2. Well, it needs to be written in social media...


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